
family home evening

A great way to start family preparedness is by enlisting the help of your whole family. Becoming prepared, really, is a whole family endeavor. Preparedness projects such as stacking food storage, cooking, picking and canning produce, and growing a garden are much more fun as a family. Plus you get the added benefit of modeling preparedness and teaching your children as you go.

Family Home Evening is an ideal place to start implementing preparedness projects and teaching your children. There are premade Family Home Evening lessons about preparedness all over the Internet. Here are a few:

Power in Preparedness (1) by Teri Ebert
Week 1 - Water Storage
Week 2 - Earthquake and Fire
Week 3 - First Aid and Medicines
Week 4 - Emergency Lighting, Cooking, and Heating

Power in Preparedness (2) by Teri Ebert
Week 5 - Emergency Shelter and Clothing
Week 6 - Hygiene and Sanitation Storage
Week 7 - 72-Hour Kits
Week 8 - Vehicle Preparedness

Preparation by Shauna Gibby

Family Home Storage Lessons - Provident Living
*Family Home Storage and Finances
*Fruitful in the Land of My Affliction
*Joseph in Egypt

Family Finance Lessons - Provident Living
*Financial Responsibility
*Managing Family Finances
*Managing Family Finances
*Temporal Wealth and the Kingdom of God

Family Preparedness Activities - LDS.org

Please share any additional resources!

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