
case lot sales

For you Utah readers, Maceys started their case lot sale yesterday. They've offered water storage containers again at a reduced rate. Here are the prices:

55 gallon drum - $41.99 ($34 is the best price I've seen for these -- but it's been 3-4 years since I saw that price)
5 gallon water bottle - $9.99 (this is the kind that you use with a water dispenser)
5 gallon camping jug - $4.59
15 gallon drum - $24.99

Water spigot - $.99
Siphon pump - $7.49 (these are pretty fragile, so store accordingly)
Frontier Emergency Water Filter - $6.99

Our next goal will be working on our three-month supply. If you have a plan for your water storage and are working on it already , you might want to consider stocking up on your three-month supply with some of these sales. Because of the current state of the economy, Maceys case lot prices aren't fantastic, but are good enough to stock up if you can afford to.

Link to Pinching Your Pennies Price Lists

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