
55 gallon water barrels

Are you still working on your water storage?

I saw 55 gallon water barrels in the entrance of our local Wal-Mart this week for $45 (good price!). I'm also hearing reports that Maceys (if you're in the vicinity) has them for $40 (great price!). If you have the space to store these huge barrels, they are the easiest way to gather your water storage. 28 gallons per person is a good starting goal.


  1. I'm not in the vicinity, but I have family that is, and gave them a call when I saw your post. They'll have to call to see if their particular Macey's is participating, but that is a really good price. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. I wish I lived where there was a Macey's! :) I just found your blog and linked to it on mine (getmeready.blogspot.com) - thanks so much for the GREAT info! One request, would it be possible to turn on your posts to display the full post rather than just an excerpt? Like most people, I use a blog reader, and I find that even though it's lazy, I don't like to click to go see the rest of the post. (Unless the first few lines REALLY catch my attention!) Just a suggestion!

  3. We bought one of those drums years ago and never filled it till 2 days ago. We just never took the initiative to do it! How stupid of us! We would have really be kicking ourselves if we really needed it. I am hoping to get another one... but here in Vegas the markets don't sell them.

  4. Thanks for the suggestion Marni, I'll switch the feed this morning.

    Marni & NorthLasVegasmom - I know that water barrels are so hard to come by outside of Utah and Idaho. This blog has an international readership. Availability of things like these barrels is really one of the biggest challenges for most of our readers. For those of you without easy access to water containers, check your local camping stores (or super stores) for 5 and 10 gallon containers. And you can always refill soda bottles -- that is pretty cheap and easy.

    Way to go, NorthLasVegasmom on filling your barrels!

    Thanks to both of you for your comments. Glad to have you here.
