
how much do you know about home storage?

I'm teaching a lesson in church this Sunday. I will be teaching about self-reliance and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' NEW (2007) program for home storage. I developed the following quiz as a teaching tool for the lesson.

[I'd love to read your answers/guesses in the comments section! Don't peek at the answers by going to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Provident Living website. See how much you can answer from memory! I'll post the answers on Friday.]


1. What are the four basic principles of family home storage?

2. List several foods that your family normally eats for breakfast.

3. List several foods that your family normally eats for lunch.

4. List several foods that your family normally eats for dinner.

5. How much water should you store?

6. How much money should you save?

7. What kind of equipment will you need for the first three basic principles of home storage?

8. List two kinds of food that are recommended for your longer-term storage?

9. List two reasons why these food items are recommended for longer-term storage.

10. How many total months' worth of "longer-term" supply is recommended?

11. When should you begin working on your longer-term supply?

Leave your answers/guesses in the comments section. I'll post the answers on Friday.


  1. 1. --not sure--
    2. eggs, pancakes, waffles, cereal
    3. sandwiches, quesadillas, leftovers
    4. pasta, hamburgers
    5. The Church doesn't give an amount. They tell you to store as much as you need.
    6. --not sure--
    7. Jugs, shelves, cans.
    8. Grains (wheat) and beans (pinto).
    9. They have the longest shelf life and provide the most nutritional value.
    10. For nearly a century the Church taught that you should have a year's supply, but the most recent message does not give an exact time frame.
    11. Yesterday.

  2. 1. water storage, 3 mos supply, financial reserve and long term storage.
    2. cereal, waffles, eggs
    3. PB&J, Tuna, MacnCheese
    4. Pasta, Pasta, Pizza, Pasta, Tacos and rice(stir fry)
    5. 7 gallons a person?
    6. 3- 6 mos worth
    7. Water jugs, shelves to store food, and a bank
    8. beans and grains
    9. They last a long time and are good to sustain life
    10. 12mos or 9 if you've already done your 3mos supply.
    11. Once you've finished the first three.
