
Keeping Emergency Supplies Accessible

Here is another idea from my sister, Vickie:

"So this one can't be used by everyone, but for those who like to get out into nature on a regular basis.

A week ago my husband and I took the kids on a hike. Driving to our destination took us a little long, and then we couldn't find the trail head so our afternoon hike started much later than planned. The end result was that it was dark for the last 1/2 of our hike. We realized we could easily get lost if we didn't hurry and so we had to push it and didn't get to enjoy the hike that much. I also fell and was lucky I wasn't hurt or that could have been really bad.

We knew better than that and realized that flashlights should always be in backpacks for our hikes, but had been overlooked as we rushed to pack our hiking needs. Our new plan is to have the back-packs packed in advance. Each of the kids will have a backpack with a flashlight, emergency blanket, whistle, water bottle, and snacks. If I make sure they are stocked for our next hike before I put them away then all we'll have to do is grab the packs and go. This would also be what we would grab in a sudden emergency if we had to leave the house. Sure it wouldn't have everything, but it would be better than nothing.

I think that our neighbors did something like this as well. They went backpacking overnight and so they would essentially have their 72 hour kit packed in their back-packs (complete with sleeping bags, tents, and food) and then they would use it on their next camping trip. I obviously haven't mastered this one, but it's something I'm working on."


  1. Great ideas. Thanks for sharing. A flashlight is probably the first thing I would forget too, and I wouldn't have even considered a whistle. Brilliant.

  2. ok... on the topic of 72-hour kits, how do people handle their sleeping bags? my hubby and i have sleeping bags where the care instructions say that they should *not* be stored in the stuff sack, because they shouldn't be compressed during storage. i want them to be in the best condition possible and last a long time, but i also don't like the idea of possibly having to sit there and pack my sleeping bag up (or more likely, forget to pack my sleeping bag) if we had an emergency...

    so, what do you do?

  3. I confess - I leave my sleeping bags rolled up. I frankly don't have room to leave them out. It's ideal for emergencies, but maybe not for longevity.

    Thanks for your question. Anyone else have thoughts?

  4. Get a large pillow case and stuff your sleeping bag in it. That way it's contained and a quick grab but not being stored in it's compressed state.
