

A little girl stands in line with the rest of the people waiting for the second batch of water in Shiogama on Monday.  David Hogsholt for CNN

I am beyond sad about what is happening in Japan.  Our family has donated money through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Charities - Humanitarian Aid Fund and are constantly praying for everyone who has been affected. I feel helpless in many ways, but know that the power of prayer is real.  Many people have been motivated to start (or continue) their own preparedness efforts because of this recent devastation. This is good. Being prepared will truly bring you peace.

I just want to remind everyone about the importance of storing water and food.  This morning I read an article from the AP with information about the current lack of food and water:

"In many areas there is no running water, no power and four- to five-hour waits for gasoline. People are suppressing hunger with instant noodles or rice balls while dealing with the loss of loved ones and homes. "People are surviving on little food and water. Things are simply not coming," said Hajime Sato, a government official in Iwate prefecture, one of the three hardest hit.

. . . "I'm giving up hope," said Hajime Watanabe, 38, a construction industry worker, who was the first in line at a closed gas station in Sendai, about 60 miles (100 kilometers) north of Soma. Just then, an emergency worker came over and told him that if the station opens at all, it would pump gasoline only to emergency teams and essential government workers. "I never imagined we would be in such a situation" Watanabe said. "I had a good life before. Now we have nothing. No gas, no electricity, no water."  He said he was surviving with his family on 60 half-liter bottles of water his wife had stored in case of emergencies like this. He walked two hours to find a convenience store that was open and waited in line to buy dried ramen noodles."1

I love that Hajime's wife anticipated an emergency and stored that water. What a blessing for their family!  The reality is that in many situations, especially those with vast consequences such as in Japan, the government is not going to be able to provide immediate resources for your family.  For example, it has been four days since the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, yet many areas still don't have enough incoming supplies.1   In some cases there has been no contact with remote neighborhoods because of impassable roads.2   You might be on your own in a similar situation.  It's up to you to be prepared.

Those most affected by the tsunami have lost everything and many are turning to friends and relatives to help them.  This is another example where being prepared can make helping others easier.  Those with ample supplies are likely in a better position to reach out, clothe, feed, and help displaced family members and friends.  This is also a good reason to encourage your family and friends to get prepared.  You might be the one staying at their house in a similar circumstance. 

So, keep working on your preparedness; make getting water a priority; and pray for those in Japan.



  1. We have friends (LDS) living in Japan now; apparently there are "anti-hoarding" laws there, which prevent the Japanese people from having huge supplies of food. On her blog, my friend writes that their wards have been asked and are able to help some of their harder-hit neighboring cities by donating food and water. (I assume that since they are on army-base they are exempt from the laws? Not really sure, but she has storage) I think this is a beautiful blessing of having food storage that I really hadn't thought of before--being in a position after a disaster to offer aid to those less fortunate. You can read about it at actegratuit.blogspot.com dated today, March 14. She has lots of other insights too into items she wished she had more of, or would add to her supply after experiencing this earthquake.

  2. Love this! I read through the blog posts and love that these people are helping each other.

    Thank you for sending it!
